The "Package Vault" is an alternative to flooded valve pits and exposed controls. The product is low profile, compact and requires little installation time. Virtually any manufacturers submersible pump can be used to complete the station, creating a truly homogenous piece of equipment.
The low profile design provides ample room for controls. The lightweight fiberglass cover opens fully and locks in position to provide a safe, walk around access to piping and controls without wind caused hazards. An exhaust fan and heater are included for environmental needs, and a wet well vent external to the equipment chamber is provided to ensure system does not become NEC Code Class 1 Div. 2 rated.
Standard construction includes seal welding of discharge piping to a steel baseplate. This provides thrust restraints against pump and force main water hammer not offered by rubber compression systems. Configurations cover 4 to 6 Foot diameter wet wells. Other piping items include an auxiliary pump connection and valve to the force main for those out of service occasions. Aluminum pump access hatch complete the product design.