Title A
Pump Stations enclosed in buildings expand the capabilities of the standard skid station concept from a local role to a regional or primary role in larger distribution systems. These stations are available with 2 to 6 pumps and for volumes exceeding 30,000 GPM.

Title B
Local aesthetic requirements from wood to masonry can be met for the pump stations to blend into existing surroundings. Building enclosed stations will ship complete subject to highway size constraints.
Title C
The heart of a pump station is the pump and its controls. The design size of the building enclosed station allows ample room for this equipment and the maintenance for it.
Title D
Larger hydropneumatic capacity for inside containment is available due to footprint size of this station model.
Title E
Each station is built with encapsulated walls and roof structure to minimize thermal transfer and reduce energy needed to reach and maintain an optimal temperature within the building. Walls, roof, and base are unit wind load rated to meet local codes.
Title F
Buildings are constructed entirely of fiberglass and foam to avoid delamination issues with wood yet provide an extremely strong non-corrosive structure. Buildings can also be provided with compartments for segregation of equipment such as chemical feed pumps and their feedstock containers.
Title G
This model fits well with ground storage containment for regional transfer system operation.